Saturday, March 28, 2009

I am "Knowing" I am "Slumdog Millionaire" :)

Okay, so as you are wondering why this is funny... it is funny because look at the blue sign pointing at Grace HAHA. That means she's disabled. I started talking to her to and she was purposely saying "what I can't hear you." Proof that the blue thing is accurate :)

Wow, I haven't really posted a blog for a long time. Well today I went to the movies with grace and joanne :) It was actually pretty fun. We went downtown for a bit and I found this perfect bottle container for my mommy :) but I didn't buy it because it closed. I'll try next time haha. The movie "Knowing" was really good actually. When it got to the sad part I was wondering whether anyone was going to tear so I turned around and saw Grace wiping her tear away HAHA! Atleast it shows that she doesn't have a cold heart :) jkjk haha. Haha and there was a random stranger who commented on Joanne and her "beautiful" jacket LOL! Knowing was pretty scary though even though they didn't intentionally make it scary. It was like a thriller movie and now I am sort of scared of the train station :( but no worries I WILL OVERCOME MY FEAR :) The Slumdog Millionaire was a good movie too. I don't see how it is rated R but whatever LOL. It was still good hehe. Today was pretty warm too! Great whether haha. Well I am currently watching the series "Fated to Love You" which grace introduced me to :)

Oh yeah. Enjoy the pic grace mwahahha! >:) now its time to fight!

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